Magicians come in all shapes and sizes. Some are sleight of hand artists, others use illusions to wow their audiences. There are mentalists who perform mind-reading tricks, and prestidigitators who can do seemingly impossible things with their hands. Then there are the magicians who use supernatural powers to amaze and astonish their spectators. Whether it’s making objects disappear or levitating in mid-air, these magicians use their skills to perform amazing feats.
Different Types Of Magicians And Magic Entertainers
Close Up Magic / Close Up Magicians
A close up magician is a magician who performs their tricks at close range. They often use sleight of hand to perform their illusions, and they might also use cards or other small objects. Close up magicians are often hired for corporate events or private parties. Card tricks are a form of close up magic. Other objects used by a close-up magician includes coins, elastic bands, pens, bank notes and also borrowed items such as phones, rings, watches etc. Very popular at weddings and corporate events.
Sleight Of Hand Magicians
Sleight of hand magicians are able to perform illusions by using various techniques to distract their audience’s attention. One of these techniques is called “throwing the thin air”. This is when the magician pretends to throw an object into the air, but instead, they secretly palmed it in their hand. This is just one of the many sleight of hand techniques that these magicians use to perform their tricks.
Pickpocket Magic
One of my favourite types of magicians. A pickpocket magician is a magician who uses their skills to steal objects from their spectators. They often use misdirection and diversion techniques to distract their audience’s attention. When performed as entertainment, the good news is that everything taken is returned, creating hilarity to the onlooking spectators. Pickpocket magicians are often hired for corporate events or private parties.
Mentalists are magicians who specialize in mind-reading tricks. A mind reader can “apparently” read the thoughts of their spectators and perform amazing feats of intuition. Reading body language and using various psychological techniques are some of the methods that mentalists use to perform their tricks. Derren brown is one of the UK’s most famous mind readers
Prestidigitators are magicians who use their hands to do seemingly impossible feats. They can make objects disappear, change the color of objects, or perform other similar illusions.
Supernatural Magicians
There are magicians who use supernatural powers and mind control to amaze and astonish their spectators. They are usually serious about their magic and believe it to be “real”. Many magicians don’t take themselves too seriously and admit there is trickery involved, but this is not the case here.
Metal Bending Magicians
A metal bending magician is a magician who can apparently bend metal objects with their mind. Uri Geller is a well-known metal bending magician.
Different Types of magicians continued …
Street Magicians
Street magicians are magicians who perform typically in major towns and cities. A street magician will often use street magic tricks to make money, passing a hat around the crowd asking for tips. Street magicians are a common sight in big cities, and they can be a lot of fun to watch. Covent Gardens in London is a great place to watch a street magician perform. David Blaine first appeared on TV as a street magician.
Comedy Magician
A comedy magician is a magician who uses their skills to entertain an audience with jokes and funny tricks. Their act is usually light-hearted and family-friendly. Comedy magicians are often hired for children’s birthday parties or other events where people want to have some fun.
Children’s Entertainer
A children’s entertainer is a magician who specializes in entertaining children. They might use magic tricks, illusions, or puppets to keep the kids entertained. Children’s entertainers are often hired for birthday parties, schools, and other events where children will be gathered.
Escapologists are magicians who specialize in escaping from impossible situations. They might be tied up and put in a box, or handcuffed and locked in a room. Straight jackets very often feature in these acts. Escapologists use their skills to escape from these situations without help.
Parlor Magicians
Parlor magicians are magicians who perform in smaller venues / rooms and in private homes. They often use close up / parlor magic to entertain their guests. Parlour magicians are a popular choice for small, intimate gatherings.
Stage Magicians
Funnily enough, stage magicians are magicians who perform on stage. They might use illusions, magic tricks, or stunts to entertain their audience. Stage magicians often travel to different counties and on cruise ships to perform their shows. Stage magicians often adapt their stage magic to also suit a cabaret performance magic show.
Illusionists are magicians who use special effects to create illusions. These might be illusions of the senses, like making things disappear, or illusions of the mind, like predicting the future. Some illusionists use their skills to perform amazing feats that seem impossible. Levitating in mid-air, these magicians use their skills to perform amazing feats.
Successful Magicians and Successful Illusionists
Here are some famous and well-known magicians and illusionists you may have heard of:
- Nick Rushton – Magician UK – An all-round great guy, professional magician and writer of this blog post 🙂
- Derren Brown – Mind reader and hypnotist
- Penn and Teller – Top US illusionists
- Dynamo – Famous Magician
- David Copperfield – Richest Magician In The World
- Criss Angel – Mental Magic – Mind Freak!
- Siegfried and Roy – World-class illusionists
- Lance Burton – Master illusionist and Manipulator
- Paul Daniels – TV magician in the UK for many years
- Uri Geller – Spoon Bender
- David Blaine – TV Stunt and Street Magician
- Harry Potter – Wizard
Different Types Of Magicians – Conclusion
Most magicians will fall into one of the above categories, but there are some types of magicians who defy classification. They might use elements of several different types of magic to create their own unique style. Whatever their approach, all magicians strive to amaze and astonish their audiences.
If you would like to hire a magician at your next party or event, why not contact Nick Rushton for a free no-obligation quote today! Nick specialises in close up magic, sleight of hand, pickpocket magic, metal bending, mind-reading, predictions, comedy magic and more.